Engleza, întrebare adresată de loredanabianca2495, 8 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de ajutor!!!!!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de deeamv

It was a lovely Autumn day. My family and i decided to go to a adventure park (park de aventura, nu stiu cum se scrie scz). I was VERY brave and tempted to go on the adult tracks!

So, when we got there, i was telling my mother that i wanted to go on the adult tracks, since i thought i was brave enough.

When i started climbing, i thought everything would've been fine, turns out I was wrong.

I got to a part that was extremely hard, even for adults!

I got really scared, and asked one of the people that where down if they could get someone to help me. Sadly, no one heard me, so, I started to cry. I found out that I was SCARED of HEIGHTS!

Eventually, a adult saw me and helped me down.

And even to this day, I am afraid to go on airplanes. That was the day that changed my life...

deeamv: Coroana? E bn?
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