Engleza, întrebare adresată de zgmiha333, 8 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de ajutor la o compunere in engleza "My favorite caracter" din carți,filme sau seriale.In compunere trebuie sa fie diferite tipuri verbale(150 cuvinte).Va rog mult

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Răspuns de Dennysaa08


Harry Potter

Harry Potter is a boy with black hair and green eyes and half blood. He was living in London with his aunts.They hated him and made his room understairs.His parents died when he was 1 years old,he also have an birth mark with is like a lightning.When he was 12 years old he rechieved a letter form Hogwards, a school for witches and wizards. His aunts didin't let him to go,so Rebeus Hagrid,a staff from the school,came at night and got him,at Hogwards where he is choosen to the Gryffindor house.He meets Hermione Granger,a young white witch with brunette hair and brown eyes.An otter as an patronus and she is from Gryffindor house also she is an muggle-born, and Ronald (Ron) Weasley,a young pale wizzard with blue eyes and red hair wich is from the Gryffindor house too which haves an Jack Roussell Terrier as an patronus and pure-blod. They have beaten villans. And they will have a lot more adventures together!Now Hermione is married to Ron and Harry to Ginevra Weasley

Si mda,sper sa te ajute,am stat ft mult la ea .-. app are vreo 158 de cuvinte,sper sa nu fie vreo greșeala :D

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