Am NEVOIE de ajutor . Trebuie sã traduc in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
1. Dar e smechera si foarte frumusica.
2. Da, asa e. Insa cred ca daca nu s-ar coafa atat de des si daca m-ar fi atat de bine imbracata , n-ar arata atat de bine.
3. Invata de dimineata. E o fata desteapta , nu trebuie sa invete asa mult . Prea munceste din greu.
4. Am vazut-o ieri . Se simtea mai bine , dar mai statea inca in pat si nu-si revenise inca complet , desi nu mai avea temperatura . Rana I se vindeca destul de incet si spune ca o mananca ingrozitor si ca trebuie sa faca eforturi sã nu se scarpine.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1. But she is cunning and very pretty.
2. Yes, she is. But I think that if she didn't dress her hair so often and if she weren't so well-dressed, she wouldn't look that well.
3. She has been studying since morning. She is a smart girl, she mustn't study that much. She really works too hard.
4. I saw her yesterday. She felt better, but she was still lying in bed and she hadn't completely recovered, although she didn't have a fever anymore. Her wound is healing pretty slowly and she says she is still having awful itches and that she must make efforts not to scratch herself.
2. Yes, she is. But I think that if she didn't dress her hair so often and if she weren't so well-dressed, she wouldn't look that well.
3. She has been studying since morning. She is a smart girl, she mustn't study that much. She really works too hard.
4. I saw her yesterday. She felt better, but she was still lying in bed and she hadn't completely recovered, although she didn't have a fever anymore. Her wound is healing pretty slowly and she says she is still having awful itches and that she must make efforts not to scratch herself.
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