Am nevoie de ajutor urgent !!! Dau Coroana Your teacher has asked you to write an essay discussing the advantages and desadvantages of fast food. Write your essay in about 140-190 words. Think about : 1) a balanved diet, 2) how healthy it is, 3) your own idea. Rog seriozitate !!!
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Răspunsuri la întrebare
In most parts of the world, the popularity of fast food is growing at a considerable rate. Given the fact that today’s generation is always busy, most people consider fast food as a convenient source of food. Fast food can be prepared and served within a very short time, and thus is more convenient for those people who tend to be busy or single peoples who are not willing to cook. Although, fast foods has got bunch of advantages, it has as well some negative effects which should be carefully considered.
Advantages of Fast Food
Undoubtedly, fast food saves much or humans’ time. Unlike fast foods, home cooked meals required time for shopping as well as washing the utensils. Such challenges do not exist when a person opts for fast food. Further, fast food is an excellent option for who do not know how to cook or single people who are not willing to cook for one. Especially for single people, fast food is absolutely cheaper. In most cases, cooking for single person leads to unnecessary food been remaining which goes to waste. As well, fast food comes at a cheaper price compared to home cooked meals.
Fast food menu offers a good option for people on diet. Fast food menu provides people with extensive varieties of ready meals and drinks to choose. One can choose what he or she feels like taking for meals. For instance, a person can skip sugar drinks and opt for low fat milk or fresh juices. Luckily, Fast food is not much rich in desserts, and thus, there is less temptations. People can also eliminate unhealthy ingredients in their meals by customizing their orders.
Disadvantages of Fast Food
Despite its merits to human life, fast food poses several health hazards to people. Fast food is rich in fats, salts, artificial substances and oils which increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Well, obesity is also on the rise as a result of growing popularity of fast food. Although the human body definitely requires these ingredients, the amount of such substances in fast food is too high. Further, the cooking method of most fast meals involves frying which destroys most of important nutrients to human health.
The adverse effects of the sugars, chemicals, salts and fats in fast food are further enhanced by the people’s sedentary lifestyle. Despite consuming many calories from fast food, people do not do enough exercises to burn these calories which make them more obese. Obesity increases the risk of heart attack and other related diseases. We can afford to eat fast food once a week,just if we have a equilibraited diet every time.
Explicație:In conclusion,our health is very important and we need to take of it,even though we all are human beings and we have cravings.