Am nevoie de ajutor, va rog, de tradus aceasta compunere, in engleza! Multumesc!
Micul extraterestru
Intr-o zi, la scoala, in pauza dintre ore, stand de vorba cu mai multi colegi, am observat ca prietena mea, Ella, se ridica brusc si, speriata, incepe sa tipe atat de tare, incat, toti cei aflati in curtea scolii, s-au intors sa vada ce s-a intamplat. Au observat cum din cer isi face aparitia un OZN si ca, din ce in ce mai mult, se apropie de Pamant. Aceasta s-a oprit in gradina din apropierea scolii si toti au ramas inmarmuriti, cand au vazut ca din farfuria zburatoare, a aparut un extraterestru roz, care, timid, incerca sa se apropie de copii. Ella, s-a apropiat de el si s-a prezentat, iar acesta, vazand ca nu prezinta niciun pericol, a inceput sa vorbeasca si a zis ca se numeste Rozaliul, ca, de acolo, de unde vine, este o planeta foarte frumoasa, plina de verdeata, o lume fara griji si fara probleme, cu un popor prietenos si ca noua, cu siguranta, ne-ar placea sa locuim acolo. A povestit ca a venit pe planeta Pamant cu ganduri pasnice, in ideea de a cunoaste cat mai multe galaxii si de a-si face prieteni. Ella, auzind toate acestea, si vazand cat de simpatic era micul extraterestru, i-a promis ca ii va prezenta multi prieteni si ca il vor insoti in mica lui calatorie pe Pamant, pentru a-i arata cat de frumoasa este planeta noastra.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
The little alien
One day at school, during the lunch break, while talking to my classmates I noticed my friend Elle suddenly getting up, terrified. She started screaming so loud that everyone in the school yard looked to see what happened. They could see an UFO coming down from the sky. It stopped near the school, everyone was speechless, they could see a pink alien getting out of the weirdly looking machine. He was trying to get closer to the children. Elle went in front of him and presented herself, he responded by saying that his name is Pinky and that his planet is a very green one, a place without worry nor problems with a friendly nation. He said that we would surely love to live there. He told us that he came on Earth with peaceful thoughts, wanting to see as many galaxies as possible and to make friends. Ella, hearing that and noticing that the pink creature was really cute promissed him that she would present him many friends and that they will accompany him in his little trip on art to show him the beauty of our planet.
One day at school, during the lunch break, while talking to my classmates I noticed my friend Elle suddenly getting up, terrified. She started screaming so loud that everyone in the school yard looked to see what happened. They could see an UFO coming down from the sky. It stopped near the school, everyone was speechless, they could see a pink alien getting out of the weirdly looking machine. He was trying to get closer to the children. Elle went in front of him and presented herself, he responded by saying that his name is Pinky and that his planet is a very green one, a place without worry nor problems with a friendly nation. He said that we would surely love to live there. He told us that he came on Earth with peaceful thoughts, wanting to see as many galaxies as possible and to make friends. Ella, hearing that and noticing that the pink creature was really cute promissed him that she would present him many friends and that they will accompany him in his little trip on art to show him the beauty of our planet.
Scuze, am scris see de prea multe ori, incearca tu sa-l inlocuiesti daca poti
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