Engleza, întrebare adresată de Vladutzz007, 8 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de in eseu de maxim 300 de cuvinte în limba engleză pe următoarea temă: We learn in different ways, not just at school. Not counting school, what was an important learning experience that you had? Why was it important to you?​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Outstanding

Hi there!

                  Learning is something very special and should be prized. We never stop learning,no matter where we go, no matter what we do. The knowledge we accumulate will stay with us throught our life and be of use later on. To my mind, learning is an invaluable asset, which we should appreciate and aspire to.

                       Firstly, learning helps your mind grow and there is no age limit for learning and grasping new information. You can learn things even at 90 years old. Learning is what moves us forward and enables us to reach our full potential. Moreover, knowledge is the key to success and it`s essential for growth which is why learning should appeal to us all.

               Secondly, we live in a changing world. New ideas and trends emerge almost every day. We`ve got new problems on the agenda and new solutions are sought. What this means is that if you are not constantly learning each day, you are getting further and further out of touch with the demands of the modern world. However, learning is not just important to ensure that we keep up-to-date with developments in a particular field. It is also an important source of motivation ,stimulation and satisfaction. It allows us to develop and become better.

             One of the experiences that made me see the world in a different light and have more appreciation was last summer, when I went as a volunteer in a camp for deaf children. It was the experience of my life so far and  I learnt a lot of new things from these wonderful children. I`ve even learnt the sign language and till the end of the camp, we could communicate pretty well.

              All in all, learning is a process in life that will never end. Our experiences allow us to gain insight, no matter if they are positive or negative. Learning is a way to change ourselves and our habits. It`s a way to better ourselves and others.

Vladutzz007: Multumesc foarte mult!
Outstanding: Cu drag!
Outstanding: ai primit nota?
Vladutzz007: Este pentru un portofoliu, încă nu, dar sunt sigur că profesoara va fi impresionata!
Vladutzz007: Mai am nevoie de o compunere, o ai la secțiunea întrebări de pe profilul meu. Mă poți ajuta?
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