Am nevoie sa le traduc in engleza corect aici e PRESENT TENSE:
6. Croitoreasa citeşte o nuvelă despre un general care tot timpul se laudă că poate învinge o armată
întreagă de unul singur, dar o ia la fugă la cel mai mic zgomot.
7. Oare nu vrea nurca să devină stea de cinema, ori negociază cu regizorul ca să obţină mai mulţi bani
decât i s-au oferit deja?
8. Wilhelm Cuceritorul este din nou în viaţă, şi poartă la el o cutie cu scântei din lad, fiindcă de obicei face
câte un foc pe unde îşi petrece noaptea.
9. Ziaristul bea coniac în timp ce-şi scrie articolele, pentru că băutura îl face mult mai inteligent decât este
el de obicei.
10. Pescarul speră să prindă păstrăvul de argint, şi să-i spună că are nevoie de un castel, de avere şi de
un regat al lui, iar dacă păstrăvul îl refuză, el este hotărât să-l prăjească şi să-l mănânce la prânz.
11. Iluzionistul care face experienţe pe maimuţe se întâlneşte cu animalele din junglă din trei în trei ani, şi
este acum aşteptat în Congo, unde toate grădinile zoologice din Africa vor ca el să se odihnească în patul
în care turiştii nu dorm niciodată.
12. I se spune rechinului să nu mai sperie toţi peştii din Marea Mediterană, şi, cum el refuză să facă acest
lucru, se trimite după balenă.
13. La cât se ridică suma pe care are de gând impresarul s-o ceară de la steaua de cinema care tocmai
face curat în odaia regizorului de film, ca să-şi câştige traiul, şi în câte părţi poate suma aceasta să fie
14. Melcul este prins furând din magazin chiar în acest moment.
15. Chiar în această clipă, rățoiul este sfătuit s-o ia la goană cât poate el de repede, în vreme ce gânsacul
aleargă pe urmele lui, şi, dacă dă gânsacul de banii de aur pe care i-a ascuns rățoiul în parcarea de la
Scotland Yard, este foarte probabil ca rățoiul să fie condamnat la muncă silnică pentru evaziune fiscală.
16. Broasca râioasă este preschimbată chiar sub ochii noştri într-un tânăr chipeş cu păr blond, şi ni se
spune chiar acum că, dacă nu credem că este adevărat, putem şi noi să fim preschimbaţi în broaşte râioase
într-o clipită.
17. Înainte să fie operată şopârla, infirmiera se schimbă în uniformă, şi este aşteptată de chirurg.
18. Se construiesc în tot oraşul noi spitale de nebuni după planurile inginerului constructor, care îşi schimbă
salopeta la sfârşitul fiecărei zile de lucru, şi îşi petrece noaptea într-un cort din două în două zile.
19. Pescăruşul este trimis la Polul Sud an de an, şi este de obicei văzut cum se întoarce cu o haină de
blană şi o pereche de mănuşi groase.
20. Cerşetorul este cercetat de Scotland Yard, pentru că mereu cheltuie bani la cursele de cai.
1. Învăţătorul făcea afaceri cu interpretul, când acesta se înfurie brusc şi-l întrebă pentru cine face el reguli,
dat fiind că nimeni nu are de gând să respecte regulile unui învăţător.
2. Îşi aminteşte clientul tău cât i-au luat la garaj pentru repararea maşinii atunci când era în excursie în
Japonia, şi de ce au trecut reparaţiile în contul tatălui lui vitreg, ceea ce fac de obicei garajele japoneze ori
de câte ori se strâmbă cineva în vreme ce ei repară o maşină?
3. De câte ori îl acuza poliţia pe expert de furtul unui tablou cunoscut al lui Michelangelo, acesta făcea o
plecăciune, susţinea că fapta aceasta face cinste profesiei lui, şi, invariabil, nega delictul de care fusese
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
The seamstress reads a short story about a general who constantly boasts that he can defeat an army
whole by himself, but runs away at the slightest noise.
7. Does the mink not want to become a movie star, or is he negotiating with the director to get more money
than they have already offered him?
8. Wilhelm the Conqueror is alive again, and he carries with him a tin box of sparks, as he usually does
a fire where he spends the night.
9. The journalist drinks brandy while writing his articles, because the drink makes him much smarter than he is
he usually
10. The fisherman hopes to catch the silver trout, and tells him that he needs a castle, wealth and
a kingdom of his, and if the trout refuses him, he is determined to fry it and eat it for lunch.
11. The illusionist who experiments on monkeys meets the jungle animals every three years, and
he is now expected in the Congo, where all the zoos in Africa want him to rest in bed
where tourists never sleep.
12. The shark is told to stop scaring all the fish in the Mediterranean Sea, and as he refuses to do this
thing, it is sent after the whale.
13. What is the amount that the impresario intends to demand from the movie star who has just
cleans the movie director's room for a living, and in how many parts can that amount be
15. At this very moment, the duckling is advised to run away as fast as he can, while the goose
runs after him, and if he finds the gold coins that the duckling hid in the parking lot of
Scotland Yard, it is very likely that the duckling will be sentenced to hard labor for tax evasion.
16. The toad is changed right before our eyes into a handsome young man with blond hair, and we
say right now that if we don't believe it's true, we too can be turned into toads
in a flash.
17. Before the lizard is operated on, the nurse changes into her uniform and is waited on by the surgeon.
18. New insane hospitals are being built all over the city according to the plans of the construction engineer, who changes his
overalls at the end of each working day, and spends the night in a tent every other day.
19. The seagull is sent to the South Pole year after year, and is usually seen returning with a coat of
fur and a pair of thick gloves.
20. The beggar is being investigated by Scotland Yard, because he always spends money at the horse races.
1. The teacher was doing business with the interpreter, when he suddenly became angry and asked him for whom he was making rules,
given that no one is going to follow a teacher's rules.
2. Does your client remember being taken to the garage for car repairs when he was on a trip to
Japan, and why the repairs went to his stepfather's account, which Japanese garages usually do
how many times does someone grimace while they fix a car?
3. Whenever the police accused the expert of stealing a well-known painting by Michelangelo, he would do it
bow, he maintained that this deed did honor to his profession, and invariably denied the offense of which he had been
whole by himself, but runs away at the slightest noise.
7. Does the mink not want to become a movie star, or is he negotiating with the director to get more money
than they have already offered him?
8. Wilhelm the Conqueror is alive again, and he carries with him a tin box of sparks, as he usually does
a fire where he spends the night.
9. The journalist drinks brandy while writing his articles, because the drink makes him much smarter than he is
he usually
10. The fisherman hopes to catch the silver trout, and tells him that he needs a castle, wealth and
a kingdom of his, and if the trout refuses him, he is determined to fry it and eat it for lunch.
11. The illusionist who experiments on monkeys meets the jungle animals every three years, and
he is now expected in the Congo, where all the zoos in Africa want him to rest in bed
where tourists never sleep.
12. The shark is told to stop scaring all the fish in the Mediterranean Sea, and as he refuses to do this
thing, it is sent after the whale.
13. What is the amount that the impresario intends to demand from the movie star who has just
cleans the movie director's room for a living, and in how many parts can that amount be
15. At this very moment, the duckling is advised to run away as fast as he can, while the goose
runs after him, and if he finds the gold coins that the duckling hid in the parking lot of
Scotland Yard, it is very likely that the duckling will be sentenced to hard labor for tax evasion.
16. The toad is changed right before our eyes into a handsome young man with blond hair, and we
say right now that if we don't believe it's true, we too can be turned into toads
in a flash.
17. Before the lizard is operated on, the nurse changes into her uniform and is waited on by the surgeon.
18. New insane hospitals are being built all over the city according to the plans of the construction engineer, who changes his
overalls at the end of each working day, and spends the night in a tent every other day.
19. The seagull is sent to the South Pole year after year, and is usually seen returning with a coat of
fur and a pair of thick gloves.
20. The beggar is being investigated by Scotland Yard, because he always spends money at the horse races.
1. The teacher was doing business with the interpreter, when he suddenly became angry and asked him for whom he was making rules,
given that no one is going to follow a teacher's rules.
2. Does your client remember being taken to the garage for car repairs when he was on a trip to
Japan, and why the repairs went to his stepfather's account, which Japanese garages usually do
how many times does someone grimace while they fix a car?
3. Whenever the police accused the expert of stealing a well-known painting by Michelangelo, he would do it
bow, he maintained that this deed did honor to his profession, and invariably denied the offense of which he had been
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