Engleza, întrebare adresată de MadaLarisa, 10 ani în urmă

am nevoie urgent de o compunere la engleza  200-250 de cuvinte  tema este ,,the importance modern technology in our lives,, multumesc mult

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Jmecheras
Humankind as advanced a lot along the years.But how exactly have we advanced?Well there's a lot of reasons for that,like generousity,Inteligence or even mistakes,but in this composition i'll be talking about technology and tools.What makes us humans different than all other species on earth is the technology we use as a ladder that leads to evolution.Firstly,technology has accelerated the speed in which we do various tasks like travelling or farming.By accelerating these tasks we have gained more time to understand each other and even build other tools that accelerate other tasks even more.That's what we humans are,never ending workers that keep getting better second by pass.Secondly, technology was able to tame our curiousity about our surounding medium.With the help of technology we've been able to visit the moon and land sattelites on commets.Something our ancestors belived to be impossible until,of course someone proved them wrong.Think about it this way,today's children are tomorrow's ancestors which means that the things belived impossible by us will be proven possible by our descendants.Finally technology might be able to help us overcome a future apocalypse.When i say apocalypse i don't mean we're expecting zombies to start crawling out of their graves.Something scientifically proven as a threat to Humans.In conclusion ,technology is something essential from human evolution and human survival

Jmecheras: 234 de cuvinte
MadaLarisa: apoi tu chiar ca esti ,, jmecheras,, ms ms
Jmecheras: cu placere
MadaLarisa: mai am una singura pt portofoliu...daca ma ajuti si cu asta esti cel mai tare,,,tot asa ca si astea 200 de cuv o postez acum
Jmecheras: cand e termenul limita
MadaLarisa: pana maine seara
ionutaioana97: vaca :-)) :-))
MadaLarisa: caproooo :)))))))) si tu ai cont?
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