Am nevoie urgenttttt!!!!Dau coroana

Răspunsuri la întrebare
There was once a college student which only had straight A's. We'll call her Ana. She managed to become an engineer and build her own company. At one point, a person wanted, to apply for a job at that company, to which the founder (Ana) said yes. We'll call him John. He was really good at his job, almost beating Ana. As she was walking around the company, checking if everything's working alright, she stumbles upon John, not working at all. She asks him why, to which John responds that he doesn't feel well and that he's going home. Ana says that he can't since he has to work until the work schedule is over. After that day they kept fighting untill the manager fired Ana for always fighting with John. She signs the contracts, as she tthinks to herself that life isn't always fair, but at least she can have a calm life without all of the fighting. She breathed a sign of relief as she walked away for the last time
Nu stiu cat de buna e compunerea, fiindca nu e asa dezvoltata in termeni de gramatica.
Me and Fenella have been friends for years. We've known each other since kindergarten. A few days ago, I invited her to come over to my house for a sleepover,and I'm currently waiting for her to arrive. As I heard the doorbell ,I ran to the door.
"Fenella! It's so nice to see you again! Come on in, I made hot chocolate ,your favorite ! ", I said with a voice full of happiness.
"it's nice to see you too,Olivia.", she muffled with a low voice.
I immediately knew something was wrong. Fenella usually wasn't like this. I've always known her as the impatient and cheerful friend. I invited her to my room,which already had a bowl of popcorn and a movie ready to play.
"So,are you exited for tomorrow ? It's your 14th birthday!" ,I asked.
"Oh...yes! Of course" , she said faintly.
"Fenella,are you hiding something? You seem to be in the blues."
" I'm just not feeling very well. Let's just meet again tomorrow,and leave the sleepover for some other time."
"Okay then,as you say ,Fenella!"
I waved goodbye to her at the door. "Jeez,that was unexpected. I wonder if I did anything wrong. Maybe I upset her .I'll ask her if she's okay tomorrow. ", I thought.
The next morning,I got up early,ready to help with her birthday party,as she told me to do. I prepared a few decorations,and of course,her present. I walked to her house down the street ,and knocked at the door. Her mom opened it.
" Good morning Miss Donnely ! I brought the decorations !"
"Thank you Olivia,I knew I could count on you. Fenella is waiting for you upstairs, she has something very important to tell you."
I went to her room,wondering what the important thing could be.
"Fenella,I'm here! Happy Birthday! "
I saw her sitting on her fluffy carpet,with her clothes and stuff packed up into boxes.
"Fenella,what's going on...?" I said,with a shaky voice.
"We're moving. Im sorry. It's my fault I didn't tell you earlier. Maybe you'll hate me now,maybe you won't. " Explained Fenella.
"What? ",I said with a higher voice. "Fenella,how could you even think of something like that? I will never hate you,no matter what. "
"I thought you were going to be super mad at me,Olivia." ,said Fenella.
"Never. Remember our promise from kindergarten? We promised we'll be friends forever,no matter what. I am upset because we're not going to be as close as we are before,but dont worry! We can stay in contact Online,and meet in real life from time to time.",I reminded her.
"Thanks for understanding." , she pronounced with a low voice.
We both went downstairs,and had a great time celebrating her birthday party. We spent hours talking about all the memories we've made together. While we were eating a slice of cake,her parents packed the rest of the stuff and put it in the car trunk.
"Im very relieved and proud of myself for finally having the courage to explain that we're moving,but I guess the easiest way to do it right was before actually moving. It's time for goodbye now", said Fenella with a slightly upset look on her face.
We had a last hug,and finallly said goodbye.
She breathed a sigh of relief after she walked away for the last time.
- Succes in continuare!
(aceasta compunere este bazata pe fapte reale,numele se pot inlocui cu cele pe care le doresti tu.)