Am nevoie ,va rog ,de aceste 2 exerciții,dau coroana!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Heyo, iti voi scrie doar cuvintele cu care vei trebui sa completezi propozitiile.
will move
will open are going to be late
it will rain
will have lunch with his girlfriend am going to do it,i will be back later
john helps me
am going to the cinema
will travel on Mars
it will be a sunny day i am taking the strawberry one
will have
i am going to see
isn't going to be
will carry
will take you
will go and open it
am going to lend you some
will paint
will marry
is going to study
is going to win
won't like
are going to buy
am going to phone
are going to get married
Sper ca te am putut ajuta,mult succes in continuare ! :)