am si eu nevie de urmatorul fragment tradus in romana :) Multumesc !
After she had eaten a few berries a very strange thing happened.While Dot had been alone in the bush it had all seemed so dreadfully still.there had been no sound but the gentle stir of a light ,fitful breeze in the far-away tree-trops.All around had been so quite ,that her loneliness had seemed twenty times more lonely .now,however ,under the influence of these small,sweet berries ,Dot was surprised to hear voices everywhere .At first it seemed like hearing sounfs ina dream ,they were so faint and distant ,but soon the talking grew nearer and nearer, louder and clearer ,until the whole bush seemed filed with talking .
Răspunsuri la întrebare
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Dupa ce a mancat niste fructe de padure i. s-a. Dot a fost ii parea groaznic .tot acolo nu a auzitnici un sunet, jurul fusese atât de tacut, ca singuratatea ei paruse de 20 de ori mai mult .Acum.poricum, sub influenta acestor fructe de padure mici, dulci, Dot afost surprinsa să aud voci de pretutindeni. prima oara i.s-a parut fost. in curand crescut mai aproape si mai aproape, mai tare si mai clar, pana cand intreagul tufis parea ca vorbeste.
scuze ca nu am stiut tot.
scuze ca nu am stiut tot.
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