Engleza, întrebare adresată de Flufly, 9 ani în urmă

Am si eu nevoie urgent de o compunere mica in engleza drespre cangur....!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de deliastan31
P[oti face cat vrei.

Kangaroo is a marsupial mammal, in height from 0.9 m to 3 m and the mass of 3 kg to 150 kg, depending on the species and sex. Kangaroos are plantigrade animals. There are macrophotos name, which means "big foot" of the scale feet. Thus, they use synchronized both legs to cover a distance greater land. Kangaroo fur can be several colors depending on the species: gray, brown, reddish brown, yellowish brown, or blue-black open. Kangaroos have highly developed hearing and sight.Etymology [edit | update source]When the British arrived in Australia saw a strange animal that move jumping. They asked the natives, by signs, that is the name of the animal. The answer was Kan-ghu-ru and colonizers took the name itself, believing that so called marsupialul. After a long time the researchers found that, in fact, the word means: "I do not understand."Reproduction [edit | update source]Kangaroos mating season usually occurs during the rainy season.At birth the baby is not fully developed; He is small, barren, without eyes and ears, limbs underdeveloped. Mom takes him with her mouth and inserts called abdominal pouch bag, hence the name of the group of animals marsupials. Concrea chicken lips with your nipple milk mother and thus drains directly into his mouth; it remains attached to the nipple up to full expansion that occurs after 8-9 months when one leaves the feeding bag. The bag comes back only in case of danger. 

Flufly: Multumesc frumos..!!!
deliastan31: ;)
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