Alte limbi străine, întrebare adresată de condreavlad10, 8 ani în urmă

and say
Complete. Use the future simple or be going to.
3 A: I haven't got any money.
B: Don't worry. I ..........
..... for
your ticket. (pay)
4 A: We ........
a new computer
next month. (buy)
B: Really? That's great!
5 A: Oh, look. Emma's here.
B: Really? I ..............
hello. (go)
6 A:
Sarah on Sunday?
(you / visit)
B: No. I must stay at home.
7 A: I bet Andy
........... Nadia's
A: What do you need all this paint for?
birthday. (forget)
B: Dad ..... is going to paint
my room.
B: Yes, he always forgets her birthday!
8 A: Oh no! Look at those clouds. It
A: Someone's at the door.
B: Oh, OK. I (open) B: Don't worry. I've got an umbrella.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de contyconty


3 A: I haven't got any money.

B: Don't worry. I will pay for your ticket.

4A: We will buy a new computer next month.

B: Really? That's great!

5A: Oh, look. Emma's here.

B: Really? I will go to say hello.

6A: Will you visit Sarah on Sunday?

B: No. I must stay home.

7A: I bet Andy forgot Nadia's birthday.

A: WHat do you need all this for?

B: Dad forgot that he is going to paint my room.

B: Yes, he always forgets her birthday!

8A: Oh no! Look at those clouds. It will rain!!

A: Someone's at the door.

B: Oh, ok. I will open it.

B: Dont worry. I've got an umbrella.

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