Engleza, întrebare adresată de Esterabuble, 8 ani în urmă

Aș vrea, dacă se poate, să corectați greșelile.
Correct the mistakes
1. I have visited New York two months ago.
2. Anne isn’t here at the moment. She’s been to London.
3. In your life, how many different countries did you visit?
4. They’ve opened the new shopping centre last week.
5. How many pages did you read so far this week ?
6. When have you bought your car?
7. I’ve lived in Arad since 5 years.
8. I’ve seen that film last Monday.
9. His English improved a lot this year.
10. In his last job, Peter has travelled to Germany every month.
11. Julie has worked here between 1997 and 1999.
12. How many movies did you see this month ?
13. When has Pam arrived?
14. Before leaving for Boston, I have bought a good dictionary.
15. So far I didn’t receive a reply to my invitation.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de oanaslovenszky
1. I visited New York...
2. Anne isn’t here at the moment. She’s in London.
3. How many different countries have you visited in your life?
4. They opened the new ....last week.
5. How many pages have you read so far this week?
6. When did you buy your car?
7. I’ve been living in Arad for 5 years.
8. I saw that film last Monday.
9. His English has improved a lot this year.
10. In his last job, Peter travelled to Germany every mu.
11. Julie had worked here ....
12. How many movies have you seen this month?
13. When did Pam arrive?
14. Before leaving for Boston, I bought a good dictionary ( ?? )
15. So far I haven’t receive a reply to my invitation.

oanaslovenszky: Te rog feedback după ce verificați la ora, eventual...
Esterabuble: Mulțumesc. Cred că a fost bine, că am făcut verificarea foarte repede și de abia mă puteam uita în două, trei locuri :))
Esterabuble: Și era ultimu
Esterabuble: * ultimul exercițiu
oanaslovenszky: Ok!
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