Engleza, întrebare adresată de daryuklove, 9 ani în urmă

as vrea si eu un dalog in engleza la magazin.

mariusdarius07: May I help you? – Pot sa va ajut?

I’m looking for a ... – Caut un…

Did you have anything particular in mind? – Va gandeati la ceva anume?

No, thank you .I’m just having a look around. – Nu, multumesc. Doar ma uit.
mariusdarius07: How much does it cost? – Cat costa?
mariusdarius07: I think I’ll take it. – Cred ca am sa o iau.

I’m buying it. – O cumpar.

Can I pay by cheque? – Pot sa platesc cu un cec?

Do you accept credit cards? – Primiti carti de credit?

Thank you. You’ve been very helpful. – Multumesc. Mi-ati fost de mare ajutor
mariusdarius07: What do you like? – Ce ati dori?

I’d like…, please. – As dori…,va rog.

Could you please give me… ? – Ati putea sa-mi dati .., va rog?

And I also need ... – Si mai am nevoie de…
mariusdarius07: You can choose and weigh the vegetables yourself. – Va puteti alege si cantari singuri legumele.

I’d like to buy some: – As dori sa cumpar niste:

· Tomatoes – rosii

· Cauliflower – conopida

· Cucumbers – castraveti

· Cabbages – varza

· Onions – ceapa

· Garlic – usturoi

· Potatoes – cartofi

· Carrots – morcovi

· Mushrooms – ciuperci

mariusdarius07: Eggplants – vinete

· Peas – mazare
mariusdarius07: Anything else? – Ce mai doriti?

That would be all, thank you ! – Atat, multumesc !

No. That’s everything. Thanks! – Nu. Asta e tot. Multumesc!

How much is altogether? – Cat costa totul?

I’m sorry but I think you’ve short-changed me. – Imi pare rau, dar cred ca mi-ati dat prea putin rest.

Here’s …pounds! – Iata…lire!
mariusdarius07: Are you going shopping? – Mergi la cumparaturi?

Could you get me some …please? – Ai putea sa-mi iei niste…te rog?

They didn’t have any….so I’ve brought you some ... , instead. – Nu aveau…asa ca ti-am adus (niste)... in schimb.
mariusdarius07: sper ca te-am putut ajuta

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sysy1336
Hey Jane.How's your housband?
Hey Christen.He's with the kids in the park.They were planning this for a few days now but always happened somthing so they must cancel it.How are your children?How is George?
They are fine.Now Georgee is a little upset because of the math teacher.He gives him bad marks but he learns and does his homework every day.
Oh i'm sorry to hear that.He is such a good boy.I'm sorry but i have to hurry before the kids come back.It was nice to talk to you.Have a nice day.Nye
Me too,bye.
Răspuns de CiocanCalin
-Do you have any: milk, bread, butter,oranges?
-of course; here you go. Anything else?
-yes. I wold like some eggs and some tomatos.
-How many eggs?
-About 10
-and how many tomatoes?
-only a few. maybe 5.
-ok here you go
-thank you sir
-no problem madam
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