Engleza, întrebare adresată de rusumariuca2021, 8 ani în urmă

AT ING Complete the sentences witA tAe present simple or continuous of the verbs. ATE 1. He usually goes to work by bus. (go) 2. Tess is talking on the phone now. (talk) 3. Mr. Andrews dem't like fast food. (not / like) 4. Be quiet! The baby is sleeping in his bedroom. (sleep) 5. Mary's daughter in Boston at the moment. (study) 6. My father a documentary on TV. (watch) 7. They never attention to my words. (pay) 8. Water at 0°C. (freeze) 9. Harry sometimes tennis at the club. (play) 10. Betty the flute now. She's rehearsing! (play) 11. My students rarely a word in English! (say) 12. It rarely in summer. (rain) 13. I never before 7.30. (wake up) 14. Susan usually her homework in her bedroom. (do) 15. The Earth around the Sun. (go) 16. They difficulties at the moment. (have) 17. We rarely garbage on the ground in Medellin. (see) 18. The phone always shower. (ring / take) when I a 19. John an e-mail at the moment. (write) his hair every month. (cut) 20. David​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cristiancostin2008

Răspuns: 5: Marys daughter is studying in Boston at the moment.

6:My father is watching a documentary on TV.

7: They are never

8:Water freezes

9: Harry is sometimes playing

10:Betty is playing the flute now

11:My students are rarely saying a word in english

12:Its rarely raining in summer

13:I never woke up before

14:Susan usualy does her homework in her bedroom

15:The Earth is going around the sun.

16: They are having difficulties

17: We are rarely seeing/ we rarely see

18:The phone always rings while i am taking a shower

19: John is writing an e-mail at the moment

20. David cut


Explicație: ti am dat numai o parte din propozitii. Sper ca e ok asa.

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