Engleza, întrebare adresată de mirceai826, 8 ani în urmă

b. Consulting a dictionary, say what the difference between the words in each pair is, then make sentences illustrating the difference.
1. hair/hairs
2. work/ works
3. damage/ damages
4. people/peoples
5. wood / woods
6. content/contents
1 .'Hair' is what covers the top of your head, 'hairs' are the separate, countable strands growing from the skin.
• I had my hair cut yesterday.
•I found two hairs in my soup.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Floriximo

2. I have to go to work tomorrow.

Sara works at a local coffee shop.

3. Straightening your hair too much can damage it.

The workers did their best to repair the damages done by the hurricane,

4. Indigenous Peoples need to be more respected. (stiu ca suna ciudat dar e corect asa)  OR I regularly steal peoples bikes for fun. (daca vrei ceva mai simplu)

People usually enjoy this movie.

5. A lumberjack makes money by chopping wood.

I have a cabin in the woods.

6. I enjoy watching content by my favorite creators.

I was utterly disgusted by the contents of the jar.

mirceai826: Thanks
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