Balul florilor
In gradina parfumata de mii de arome este zarva mare intre flori ,cica in seara asta un mare bal o sa se desfasoare in gradina lor umila .
Toate florile se pregatesc punandu-si straile cele mai colorate si mai parfumate gandindu-se ca o sa-l impresioneze pe printul florilor acesta fiind crinul imperial . Printul a organizat acest bal in onoarea ultimei zile de vara .
Tocmai in locul cel mai retras din gradina se afla micuta orhidee suparata ca ea nu avea alte petale cu care sa se schimbe pentru mult asteptatul bal dar Azorel cainele de paza si cel mai bun prieten al orhideei i-a spus : Draga mea tu esti importanta pentru unicitatea , parfumul si culorile tale nu pentru niste petale noi asa ca grabeste-te si hai sa mergem impreuna la bal !
Micuta orhidee a ascultat sfatul prietenului sau si repede si-a dat la o parte lacrimile asemanatoare cu niste diamante , si a plecat spre bal . Cum a pasit pe covorul rosu printul nu a putut sa-si ia ochii de la ea . Toata noaptea au dansat si de atunci orhideea a invatat ca nu trebuie sa semene cu celelate flori ci ca ea trebuie sa fie unica .
Caracterul tau si frumusetea ta sunt unice asa ca nu le schimba !!!!!!!!
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In the perfumed garden with thousands of flavors is a big uproar between flowers , they say that tonight is going to be a big ball in their humble garden. All the flowers are preparing themselves , by putting on their most colorful and perumed clothes , thinking that they will impress the prince of flowers , the imperial lily.The prince organized this ball with the ocasion of the last day of summer.In a covert place , was a litle orchid , upset because she had no other petals to change for the long expected ball , but Azorel , the guard dog and the orchid's best friend , told her : 'my dear, you are important for your uniqueness , your perfume nd your colours , not for some new petls , so hurry up and let's go together to the ball! The litle orchid listened to his friend's advice , and quickly wiped away her tears that looked just like some diamonds and left to the ball.As she walked on the red carpet , the prince couldn't get her eyes off of her. They danced all night and ever since , the orchid learned that she didn't have to be like the other girls , she has to be unique. You character and your beuty are unique , so don't chenge them !!!
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