Engleza, întrebare adresată de adelina1999, 10 ani în urmă

Buna :)
Am ca tema pentru acasa la limba engleza o compunere!
Pentru a compune aceasta compunere doamna ne-a dat urmatoarele cuvinte:
lumpe of sugar=cub de zahar
honey=miere de albine
box chocolate=cutie cu ciocolata
ginger bred=turta dulce
sponge cake=pandispan
bunch of flowers=buchet de flori
Va rog ajutati-ma cu aceasta tema!Multumesc anticipat!

ramonicka2010: dai raspuns castigator?daca iti fac compunerea?
adelina1999: Da!
ramonicka2010: ok,iti fac acum!
Geta1955: Corect : LUMP SUGAR

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de IsabellaMarya
Yesterday my best friend, Rose had a party at her house for her bithday celebration. It was an amazing party and I bought her a beautifull watch, a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolate. She had a lot of candies and ginger bred made by her grandmother. Instated of juice we had tea with honey or with lumpe of sugar and instated of cake her mother made us a delicious sponge cake. I liked the originality of the party and I think everyone enjoyed as much as I did. My best friend is very hopefull about her next celebration and she wants something new and more intresting for it.

adelina1999: Ai cateva greseli.dar iti multumesc mult :*
IsabellaMarya: Gata am corectata
IsabellaMarya: E a
IsabellaMarya: Tarziu si na...
Geta1955: Sa corectezi cateva cuvinte: her biRthday, beautiful (cu un singur L final), INSTEAD OF (nu instated), LUMP SUGAR, INSTEAD OF (nu instated - vezi ca e a doua oara aceeasi greseala!!!)
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