Engleza, întrebare adresată de denyellena, 8 ani în urmă

Buna! Am nevoie de ajutor in legătura cu tema la engleza! Trebuie sa fac o compunere folosind următoarele expresii (maxim 20 de rânduri)
To make friends
Casual acquitances
Close friends
Love at first sight
To have strong chemistry
To have feelings for
The feelings aren’t mutual
He/she is just not my type
Unrequited love
Highscool sweetheart
To make a commitment
To propose to her

Ca in acele filme americane in care fetei ii place de un baiat popular care are prietena...chiar nu am inspirație! M ați ajuta foarte mult! Multumesc anticipat!❤️

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de deliaape

I don't have a lot of freinds. But today is the first day of school and I'm ready to make freinds. I don't want casual acquitances I want to have close friends like best friends that you can count on. When I saw him for the first time it was love at first sight. I felt like we have a strong chemistry, I thought we were soulmates. I already had feelings for him it was weird. Unfortunately he had a girlfriend and the feelings aren't mutual. After I realised that he's not my type.

I need someone who can give me unrequited love. When I met Tom I realy knew that he's the one. He made me forget about my highschool sweetheart and he proposed me. I said yes, I'm so happy!

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