Engleza, întrebare adresată de dicuandrutza23, 9 ani în urmă

Buna am si eu nevoie de 20 de propozitii cu urmatoarele cuvinte :eat,drink ,jump ,sleep .trebuie propozitiile facute la present simple

danak1998: da eu n-am citit doua loturi
danak1998: si la povesti si esee nu sunt prea buna
danak1998: scuze
dicuandrutza23: ok ms mult orcum
dicuandrutza23: da-mi si mie adresa ta de facebook
dicuandrutza23: cum ai numele la fb
dicuandrutza23: ms
danak1998: nui pentru ce
ura: mânca, a mâncat, mâncat
bea, bea, beat
  la jumpe nu prea stiu
de somn dormit dormit asa imi spune

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de danak1998
1.My sister eats a lot of chocolate.
2.I don't eat many vegetables
3.My father can't eat many fruits.
4.Nick eats apples from The United Kingdom
5.My mom doesn't eat sugar
6.I drink two liters for a day
7.My father love drink wine before dinner
8.Ann doesn't drink any juices or alcohol
9.Josh doesn't drink any liquids which contain alcohol
10.My mom drink a cup of cofee every morning.
11.I like to jump before dancing.
12.Every day after i am getting up, I jump a few minutes.
13.My mom like to jump before sleep.
14.My brother jumps for joy.
15.I jump, because i practise basketball.
16.I sleep two hours after school.
17.My mom sleeps 8-9 hours at night 
18.John sleeps 5 or 6 hours because he can't fall asleep immediately.
19.I sleep two hours to be more concentrated in class.
20.My grandfather sleeps 6 hours because he is older then us.
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