Engleza, întrebare adresată de loredana20055, 8 ani în urmă

Buna diminiata tuturor! Am nevoie si eu un pic de ajutor.
Va rog ajutati-ma la ex 5
va roggg mult e urgent!!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de hoteamonicatamp4voq5
1.Tina said that she had to go to the post office.
2. Victor said that his mother needed some postcards.
3. Tina said that she needed three envelopes.
4. Tina said that she wanted to send a letter to Great Britain.

loredana20055: Ms mult
loredana20055: intra te rog la mine si uite ca am mai pus o intrebare si rs te rog
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