Engleza, întrebare adresată de patricleo17, 9 ani în urmă

buna ma ajutati sa fac si eu o scrisoare informala prin care sa imi invit un prieten la concert? :*

patricleo17: in limba engleza

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Londhron
Dear Scarlett, Hi! How are you? I just have the best of news! Oh, dear me... Where do I even start? Well, you know just how much I love Ariana Grande (sau ce canteret vrei tu) and, of course, you love her, too. But that's not the point, really. What I'm saying is that not too long ago, I entered this worldwide competition, the big prize being two concert tickets to see Ariana in London, United Kingdom. I had to film a short video saying why I love Ariana and the sing my favorite song of hers (I sang 'Love me Harder', by the way). Not thinking anything would actually come out of this whole thing, I entered the competition. Millions of people entered as well, and by god, their voices sounded so much better than mine; I simply just knew I would never win. But then, yesterday, I got a call, telling me that I won and I was going to Ariana's concert! Oh, my God! Can you believe me? Everything is paid for, the plane tickets, the hotel, the restaurant... we even get a limousine to take us anywhere the four days we'll be in London! Isn't it splendid? Mom didn't even make much of a fuss about it. Please, please, will you come with me? I'll talk to your parents, if need be! It's gonna be the best four days of our lives so far, Scar! Please come! You don't even have to spend a penny. So... please? Answer as soon as you can, for if you're not coming, I have to talk my cousin into this instead. We leave next week! Love you, (numele tau)

patricleo17: multumesc:*
Londhron: placerea mea :) the pup :*
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