Buna ma poate ajuta cineva cu pagina asta urgent pls

Răspunsuri la întrebare
La primele 3 exercitii nu le putem rezolva...in primul rand ne trb textul de la pag 74 (pt ex 1 si 2) iar la ex 3 ne trb linkul manualului pt a asculta...
ex 4 :
- uniform (este si in exemplu)
- wearing
- trousers
- grey
- not
- also
ex 5 :
• Yes, we do. / No, we don't. (depinde de scoala ta, daca purtati sau nu uniforme)
• When I'm at school, I wear a white t-shirt and black jeans. (si aici la fel, depinde cum te imbraci)
• Today I'm wearing a grey t-shirt, jeans, and some white shoes.
Dear Peter,
In Romania, we must wear uniform in the primary school. It is not that bad, but I can't wait to enter the 5th grade, to dress up however i want! The uniform's color is dark blue with some grey tones. (sau depinde de culorile uniformei scolii tale)
Write soon, *numele tau*
Sper ca te-am ajutat! Succes!