Engleza, întrebare adresată de roxanaa98, 10 ani în urmă

Buna! ma poate ajuta si pe mine cineva cu o traducere in engleza , va rog:
A patra saptamana de vacanta
In ce-a de-a patra saptamana de vacanta am mers in vizita pe la verisoarele mele .Ne-am distrat aproape in fiecare zi. In fiecare seara ieseam pe afara .Intr-o zi din aceasta saptamana am mers impreuna la Dunare.Acolo a fost extraordinar de frumos.Si dupa cateva zile au venit si verisoarele mele pe la mine.

A cincea saptamana de vacanta
In aceasta saptamana de vacanta am mers in vizita pe la unchiul meu preferat.In saptamana aceasta m-am distrat cel mai mult.Tot timpul cand merg in vizita pe la unchiul meu ma simt cel mai bine la el.Cu unchiul meu ma inteleg foarte bine, de parca ar fi tatal meu!! Intr-o dimineata am plecat cu unchiul si matusa , la Herculane. A fost minunat.
Asa de bine m-am simtit in aceasta saptamana incat nici nu am realizat ca sa terminat.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
The Fourth Week Of Holiday.
In the fourth week of holiday I visited my cousins. We had fun almost every day. Every evening we used to go out. On one of the days we went together to the Danube. It was extremely beautiful. After a few days my cousins came to visit me.

The Fifth Week Of Holiday.
During that week of holiday I went to visit my favorite uncle. During that week I had the time of my life. Whenever I visit my uncle I feel great being there. We understand perfectly one another, as if he were my father! One morning I went to Herculane together with my uncle and my aunt. It was fantastic.
I had such a great time during that week that I didn't realized that it was over. 

roxanaa98: Multumesc.
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