Buna. Ma puteti ajuta cu un rezumat al lectiei Wayne's half the man?

Răspunsuri la întrebare
The story "Wayne's Half the Man" is about a man, Wayne, who was overweight. After realising that he could lose weight and could live a healthy life, his life has totally changed.
Everything started when we was a kid, after he stopped playing sports. He would eat a ton of bread, biscuits and sweets.
When he grew into a man, he had to wear tent-like T-shirts and baggy trousers. He began losing stamina very fast, and his stomach was so big that he couldn't even get his arms around it. But in his mind, everything seemed alright.
After a while he realised that his life is full of humiliations. Everywhere he'd go, people would stare at him, and it was a mess for him to travel on a bus or train. He hated to hear the salesmen saying "we don't do your size".
One day, one of his friends tricked him into visiting a club, where he learnt about the "Fit for Life" programme. He had to go on a diet and start exercising, and after six months he bought his first pair of jeans, which was a terrific achivement.
Now, his life has totally changed and he realised that the power to transform everything is in your hands.
Good luck!