Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexiaramona27, 8 ani în urmă

bună,ma puteți ajuta va rog? am nevoie de 10 propoziti în engleză și sa aibă 20 cuvinte.​​​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mishah

i still can't believe the fact that we did not win the last game , it was a sad moment for us .

Tessa isn't a big fan of drama movies but if she had to watch one with a friend she'd do it without even thinking

when they won we stared in disbelief , it was not that we didn't believe in them but it was a big surprise .

He shouldn't stress himself over a stupid test , he should focus on his mental health and well being instead , don't you agree ?

Cherry is really pretty and everyone seems to like her , but they do not know that she is actually a mean person .

All of the writing made my wrist hurt , I want a break but I still have a few lines and then I'm finally done .

listening to music might be one of the best ways to calm yourself down , especially if you're sad and don't know what to do .

Luna and Hudon just finished their lunches so we better not make them move a lot or they might puke all over the floor

they really want an exotic pet even though they're aware of the dangers and the costs of it , they're willing to give it all

I brought a whole pack of bubblegum but everyone wanted a piece so now I don't have any left for myself .

alexiaramona27: mersii
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