Engleza, întrebare adresată de mireladaniela07, 8 ani în urmă

Bună,va rog vreau și eu un rezumat despre ce a făcut Newton in engleza ,va rog e urgent ,va rog fără comentări aiurea care sa zică ca nu știe ca să ia niște puncte ,ofer coroana, va reamintesc e urgent!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cristinakawaiigirl


Isaac Newton was a British scientist born on 4 January 1643 in Woolsthorpe Manor, Great Britain. He undoubtedly made the greatest contribution to physics than any other man in human history. The unit of force, Newton (N), is named after him.

Newton made progress in almost every branch of mathematics studied at the time. His most influential mathematical invention is calculus, the study of change, although the invention is also claimed by Gottfried Liebniz. Many historians now suggest that both men independently invented calculus, only with different notation.

In 1666, Newton studied optics, especially analyzing the different colors of light that came out of a prism due to refraction. He concluded that colors should be part of white light. Prior to this discovery, humans believed that the prism colored the light.

Newton is most famous for the theory of gravity that many associate with the fall of an apple on his head. This story is unlikely to be true, Newton did not create his theory of gravity in a single moment. An acquaintance of his wrote in Isaac Newton's biography that when he was with Isaac in a garden and Newton was thinking about gravity, it was "an opportunity for an apple to fall." Some historians believe that this is how the story of falling apples began.

Isaac Newton published Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica in 1687, in which he set out the laws of motion, forming a basis for classical mechanics and its laws of gravity. The book took two years to produce, and its ideas and theories underlie many modern sciences and engineering.

On March 20, 1727, Newton died at the age of 84. He received a state funeral and was buried in Westminster Abbey, London.

mireladaniela07: ca dacă toată clasa scrie atât nu o sa avem timp sa citim toti
mireladaniela07: dar am postat iar o intrebare
mireladaniela07: poți te rog sa răspundzi
cristinakawaiigirl: ok poti sa scrii de al doilea rand si al treilea astea sunt mai importante
mireladaniela07: bine
cristinakawaiigirl: si patru as zice dar daca ai scrie si patru cred ca ar fi prea lung
mireladaniela07: poți te rog sa te uiți și la celelalte întrebări ale mele care le pun acum
cristinakawaiigirl: ok
mireladaniela07: poți sa te uiti
mireladaniela07: am postat
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