Bunaaa ! Ma puteți ajuta cu acești Exercițiu la engleză va rooog

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1. If Linda was/were (aici poti alege una din două) here, I'm sure she would help us.
2. What would you do if you saw a ghost?
3. If I found some money on the street, I would take it to the police.
4. Michael would be very angry if someone took his computer without permission.
5. If we didn't catch the nine o'clock bus we would arrive too late.
6. Carla wouldn't be upset if you told her the truth.
7. If I knew how to solve this problem, I would do it.
8. If I failed the exam, I would be very disappointed, I've studied so hard.
9. Jenny would make a nice cake if she knew how to cook well.
10. If my husband was a famous actor, he would learn a lot of money.
11. We wouldn't learn so quickly if we didn't have such a good teacher.
12. If it rained tomorrow, we wouldn't go to the beach but the sky is so clear.
13. If you stayed at home tonight, you wouldn't see Tina at the party.
14. I would learn Japanese if I had the time to do it.
15. What would you do if you lost your passport in a foreign country?
16. If you tried to give up smoking, you would feel much better.
17. If someone stole my car, I would report it to the police immediately.
18. Our friends would be really angry if we didn't go to their party next Friday.
Salutări! Mai sus ai exercitiul rezolvat conform cerintei, si anume: scrie verbele din paranteza la conditionalul de tip 2. Acest "second conditional" inseamnă o frază condițională de tip doi și de obicei ne folosim de ea ca sa putem exprima situații/acțiuni din prezent sau viitor care nu sunt susceptibile să se întâmple sau sunt imaginare, ipotetice sau imposibile.
O identificăm prin: (If + past) ... (would + verb1)
ex: If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world
Mai exista si alte tipuri de fraze condiționale (zero, 1, 3, mixe) cu caracteristici si roluri diferite.
Multa baftă!