Engleza, întrebare adresată de pascaleusebiunicolas, 8 ani în urmă

BvBY HERON by Dylan
My hero is Shrek. He is very funny. He's got a
1) big/small head and 2) brown/blue eyes.
Look at his ears! They're very long! Shrek has
got 3) big/small hands and feet, too. He's
Fantastic! va rog traduceti​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de anabelalungu16


1-big, 2-brown, 3-big

Eroul meu este Shrek. E foarte amuzant. Are un cap mare si ochi caprui. Priveste-i urechile. Sunt foarte lungi! Shrek are brate si picioare mari deasemenea.


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