Engleza, întrebare adresată de anastasia7620, 7 ani în urmă

C. Correct the mistakes. (20 points)
1. Eric is going jogging every morning before work.
2. When did Queen Victoria died?
3. Look at the sky! It will rain.
4. That is the new restaurant who I went last month.
5. I already did my homework.
6. We have English lessons in Tuesdays.
7. There isn't nobody in the house.
8. Hurry up! Our bus comes.
9. My brothers name is Carl.
10. This isn't your T-shirt. It's my


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de GreenEyes71


Cuvintele corectate apar îngroșate.

1. Eric goes jogging every morning before work.

2. When did Queen Victoria die ? (verbul auxiliar to do, cu forma did, lasă verbul to die la infinitivul scurt, adică die).

3. Look in the sky ! It will rain. (folosim in the sky dacă privim la ceva specific de pe cer și în acest caz sunt norii probabil negri, care stau să înceapă ploaia).

4. That is the new restaurant where I went last month (nu este ... cine am fost, ci este restaurantul la care/unde am fost).

5. I have already done my homework (cu already se folosește timpul Present Perfect Simple).

6. We have English lessons on Tuesdays (prepoziția corectă este on).

7. There is nobody in the house (în engleză nu folosim dubla negație, ca în română).

8. Hurry up ! Our bus is coming. (acțiunea autobuzului care se apropie este una care se întâmplă în jurul momentului vorbirii, deci clar că folosim Present Continuous Simple).

9. My brother's name is Carl (dacă nu pui apostroful înainte de s, ar fi cam așa: Numele frații mei este Carl. Nu te zgârie pe ochi ? :-))). Apostrof s este una dintre formele de genitiv, acela cu al meu, al tău, al ei, al lui, etc.

10. This isn't your T-shirt. It's mine. (Mine este al meu, nu my, dacă scrii my e incomplet, după my trebuie să scrii în engleză la ce se referă my. De exemplu, my dreams, my friend, my girlfriend).

Ai înțeles ?

Green eyes.

anastasia7620: mersi
GreenEyes71: Am îngroșat cuvintele corecte.
GreenEyes71: Să crești mare !
gabriellupu33: mersi mult că mai ajutat
Răspuns de maruhies


1. Eric is going jogging every morning before work. -> Eric GOES jogging every morning before work.

2. When did Queen Victoria died? -> When did Queen Victoria DIE?

3. Look at the sky! It will rain. -> Look at the sky! It'S GOING TO rain.

4. That is the new restaurant who I went last month. -> That is the new restaurant WHERE I went last month.

5. I already did my homework. -> I HAVE already DONE my homework.

6. We have English lessons in Tuesdays. -> We have English lessons ON Tuesdays.

7. There isn't nobody in the house. -> There isn't ANYBODY in the house.

8. Hurry up! Our bus comes. -> Hurry up! Our bus IS COMING.

9. My brothers name is Carl. -> My brother'S name is Carl.

10. This isn't your T-shirt. It's my. -> This isn't your T-shirt. It's my SHIRT sau This isn't your T-shirt. It's MINE.

s u c c e s <3

- maruhies

gabriellupu33: mersi tu mai ajutat mai mult
gabriellupu33: la revedere spor la scris
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