Engleza, întrebare adresată de malinaradu1998, 9 ani în urmă

Can you say to which of the above-mentioned groups( north amerca,americas,anglo-america) does the usa belong? how does the usa differ from the other countries in the region from the geographical point of view?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nipo
USA belong to anglo-america. Along with Canada it is the one of the largest English-speaking countries in the world. Georgraphically it comprises a wide array of landscapes, vallleys, hills mountains, waterfalls. All major landscape types are to be met in the States. The climate is temperate, it's warmer comparatively to Canada, and a bit colder than Mexico.USA have a central position in the North America. Two of its states are however isolated: Alaska and Hawaii.  
Răspuns de irinateleoaca
Don't forget about The Great Canion and the Mississippi River which are unique from a geographical point of view in the whole world! And I would also add that USA belongs to the North America continent.
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