Engleza, întrebare adresată de GoldwyN, 9 ani în urmă

Cat mai repede cat mai bine, dau coroana si multumiri ;) Write a paragraph about an extracuricullar activity you would like to join. (un mic text despre niste activitati extrascolare ex: fotbal, pe care as dori eu sa le practic) Puteti sa scrieti despre fotbal/inot/desen.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Bluexberry
I would like to join the paint class. It would be so wonderful to have a lot of colours to choose from and to paint what the teacher said. To have that feeling of excitement running through you every time you select a colour and begin to paint. Every time you move your brush on you paper and it makes the colours you've wanted and that satisfaction when your paint is finished and is it how you wanted it to be. I love that feeling and that's why I want to join this class.
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