Engleza, întrebare adresată de mastergg1, 9 ani în urmă

ce fac eu in timpul liber 10 15 randuri


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AlinaTN
In my free time I watch TV. I meet my friends and I go with them to the playground. I ride my bicicle. I play computergames and I read some pages of a book. I play with my pet ( in loc de ,,pet'' pui ce vrei caine/pisica/hamster etc.). I play voley with my dad and i make a little kake sometimes. 
Răspuns de Ela38
I prefer to spend my free time outdoors. Sometimes i spend my leisure time just roaming around outside, and sometimes i play outdoor games. But i love to play also the internet games sitting at home, but my schedule does not permit me to do that as much as I want to.
Outside of that, my free time is spent surrounded by my family watching movies and enjoying time spent together.
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