Engleza, întrebare adresată de Thomas853, 10 ani în urmă

Ceau. Imi traducet cineva in engleza urmatoarele propozitii :

Despre Teddy Boys se stie ca a fost prima trupa ce a definit pentru prima data miscarea rock & roll-ului. Ei au fost primul grup ce se diferentia de restul societatii, fiind noncomformisti. Se imbracau in jackete, pantaloni cu talie inalta iar sosetele erau deschise la culoare. Cu ajutorul lor, tinerii au inceput sa se desprinda de standardele impuse de catre parinti si societate, astfel ei incepand sa se imbrace precum doreau ei, nu cum erau obligati.
Ar trebui sa le multumim, caci ei au adus noncomformismul printre noi si faimoasa muzica rock.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bianca975
About Teddy Boys it is known that it was the first band that first defined the rock & roll movement.They were the first group that was getting different from the rest of society by being nonconformist. They were dressed with jackets, high-waisted pants and their socks were light. With their help, the youngs began to break away from the standards set by parents and society, so they started to dress as they wished, not as they were required.
We should thank them because they brought  the nonconformism among us and also the famous rock music.
Răspuns de Baietelul999
About Teddy Boys know that was the first band that defined the first rock and roll movement. They were the first group that differentiate from the rest of society, being noncomformist. Dressed in jackets, high-waisted pants and socks were lighter. With their help, young people began to detach from the standards set by parents and society, so they started to dress as they wished, they were not required. We sould to thank, because they brought noncomformist among us and famous rock music.

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