Cei care va pricepeti la engleza. Va rog traducet-mi urmatoarele paragrafe:
Traditiile de Craciun in China au devenit foarte populare in ultimii ani, in special in orasele mari, ca Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai si Guangzhou, datorita numarului mare de imigranti europeni care locuiesc aici. Craciunul nu este o sarbatoare oficiala in China, pentru ca majoritatea populatiei nu este crestina.
Traditiile de Craciun in China nu au absolut nicio simbolistica religioasa, pentru majoritatea chinezilor, Craciunul fiind celebrat ca un soi de ocazie fericita de reintalnire cu familia si cu prietenii apropiati. Este timpul potrivit pentru a sarbatori cu cadouri, muzica, entuziasm si mancare traditionala.
In China, Craciunul poarta numele de Sheng Dan Jieh, care inseamna “Sarbatoarea Nasterii Sfinte”. Foarte multi dintre chinezi organizeaza petreceri, in Ajunul Craciunului, pentru a se putea bucura, impreuna cu prietenii si cu familia, de mesele imbelsugate, organizate in aceasta perioada. Sezonul Craciunului dobandeste un plus de culoare prin jocurile de artificii, jongleuri si acrobati care bucura multimile cu spectacolele lor stradale.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
In China, Christmas traditions has became verry popular in the last yeasr, especialy in the big citys like Hong Kong, Beijing, Sanghay and Guangzou thanks to the big number of european imigrants who live here. Christmas is not an officialy holiday in China, because the majority of population don't belive in God.
Christmas traditions in China don't have any religious symbolistic, for the majority of chinees, Christmas beeing celebrated like a kind of happy ocasion of reemeeting whit the familys and friends.It's the right time to celebrate whit presents, music, enthuziasm and traditional food.
In Chins , Christmas it's named ,, Sheng Dan Jieh", witch means the celebration of the saint birth( nu sunt sigura la sfanta).Manny of the chineese organize partys , in the day before Christmas, to enjoy the rich meals organized in this period, togheder whit friends and family.
Christmas seazons gain more colour with the fireworks and tricks witch make the population happy with theyer stradal shows.
Sper ca e ok. Bafta :))))♥
Răspuns de
Christmas traditions in China became very popular in the last years,most in big cities ,like Hong Kong,Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou,because of the big number of european imigrants who live here.Christmas is not an official holiday in China,because most of the population is not christian.
Christmas traditions in China don t have any religious symbolistic,for most chinese people. Christmas being celebrated like a happy ocasion where you meet friends and family. It s the right time to celebrate it with with gifts ,music,enthusiasm and traditional food
In china ,Christmas is named Sheng Dan Jieh ,who means ,,holy birthday celebrations,, . Lots of chinese people organise parties,in New Year Eve,to be happy , with friends and family ,tasty food ,organised in this period . Christmas Season aquires ,besides, colourby the ..... games ,..... and acrobatians who cheers up the lot of people with their street show .
Pe la sfarsit nu prea am stiut dar ,man ,am 11 ani =)))
Christmas traditions in China don t have any religious symbolistic,for most chinese people. Christmas being celebrated like a happy ocasion where you meet friends and family. It s the right time to celebrate it with with gifts ,music,enthusiasm and traditional food
In china ,Christmas is named Sheng Dan Jieh ,who means ,,holy birthday celebrations,, . Lots of chinese people organise parties,in New Year Eve,to be happy , with friends and family ,tasty food ,organised in this period . Christmas Season aquires ,besides, colourby the ..... games ,..... and acrobatians who cheers up the lot of people with their street show .
Pe la sfarsit nu prea am stiut dar ,man ,am 11 ani =)))
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