Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandrufrunz, 9 ani în urmă

Change the sentences below to the Passive Voice.

a) Last Sunday, the cat scratched Nick's hands very badly.
b) Mother usually hugs us when come home from school.
c) We shall need all hands to help us finish the job.
d) When did Peter cut his finger?
e)Christina didn't pet the dog.
f)The girl touched the computer screen.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
a. Last Sunday Nick's hands were scratched very badly by the cat.
b. We are hugged when we come from school by our mother .
c. All hands to help us finish the job will be needed.
d. When was Peter's finger cut?
e. The dog wasn't pet by Christina.
f. The computer screen was touched by the girl. 

Geta1955: 2. Tema cere sa se treaca la pasiv propozitia: "the cat scratched Nick's hands very badly" nu propozitia "the cat badly scratched Nick's hands"
Geta1955: 3. Lectie de buna purtare gratuita: Cand te adresezi unor oameni mai in varsta, folosesti pers. II plural.
Geta1955: Imi pare rau pentru tine, dar ce scrii tu: "The cat was scratch Nick's hand very badly" (pisica a fost zgarie.......) e cam aiurea....
Geta1955: In legatura cu pozitia adverbului nu e cazul sa ma contrazici pe mine; daca ai cumva vreo nemultumire adreseaza-te autorilor cartii de engleza, intrucat cerinta era sa fie trecuta la diateza pasiva propozitia: "a) Last Sunday, the cat scratched Nick's hands very badly."
Geta1955: Nu cred ca o persoana care a studiat engleza nu are cunostinte temeinice de gramatica.
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