Engleza, întrebare adresată de simonavoicu26p03dk6, 9 ani în urmă

Choose the correct tense:
1. He is busy now. He...............(talk) to his teacher!
2. ...........Jim usually.................(buy) cinema tickets?
3. ...........Paul and Robert...............(eat) chips every day?
4. She...............(water) her garden every day.
5. They..............(swim) now.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de 1234alexandra

1. He is busy right now. He is talking to his teacher!

2. Does Jim usually buy cinema tickets?

3. Do Paul and Robert eat chips every day?

4. She waters her garden every day.

5. They are swimming now.

1234alexandra: Este corect
pacsamanandreepdk5lc: dacă crezi tu ...
1234alexandra: Exista o diferenta intre Present Tense Simple si Present Tense Continuous
1234alexandra: In caz ca nu stiai ;)
pacsamanandreepdk5lc: crede ma ca stiu destul de bine ,nu cred ca ai luat tu cambridge ul cu b2...
1234alexandra: Am fost si eu la concursuri
1234alexandra: Stiu ce zic
pacsamanandreepdk5lc: sigur ,sigur, te si cred
pacsamanandreepdk5lc: hai pa
1234alexandra: Nu ma intereseaza daca ma crezi tu sau nu,sincer :)
Răspuns de pacsamanandreepdk5lc

1. is talking

2. is ,buying

3. are , eating

4. is watering

5. are swiming

pacsamanandreepdk5lc: pentru că nu se refera la chestii generale ,ci la acțiuni continue
pacsamanandreepdk5lc: ce au timpul precizat
1234alexandra: Every day este pentru prezentul simplu
pacsamanandreepdk5lc: Nu am chef sa ma cert cu tine , un sfat ar fi sa ma pui mâna pe o carte de engleza ca ti ar prinde bine
pacsamanandreepdk5lc: )))
pacsamanandreepdk5lc: hai pa
1234alexandra: Am pus,poate chiar mai mult
pacsamanandreepdk5lc: sigur, ai tu b2 luat?
pacsamanandreepdk5lc: hai ma ma lași
1234alexandra: Nu trebuie sa iau Cambridge ul ca sa stiu engleza;)
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