Engleza, întrebare adresată de canon2001, 9 ani în urmă

Choose the correct variant.
1. If I (know, knew, had known) you were in hospital, I
would have visited you.
2. We (will call, would call, would have called) you, if we
are home on time.
3. She would have caught the train if she (were, is, had
been) in a hurry.
4. If you (speak, spoke, had spoken) more slowly, he would
understand you.
5. I (will tell, would tell, would have told) you more if you
were my friend.
6. If he (is not, were not, hadn’t been) so busy, he will give
us a hand.
7. If they (get, got, had gotten) to the top, they would enjoy
the sunset.
8. What (will, would) it happen, if the child doesn’t obey
9. If I (were, would be) you, I wouldn’t give up my dreams
so easily.
10. If we had a dog we (won’t be, wouldn’t be) afraid of
11. She would go for a walk if it (doesn’t rain, didn’t rain,
hadn’t rained).
12. I will have to wait for you if I (come, came, had come )
earlier for I have no key.
13. You would arrive in time, if you (take, had taken, took)
the bus.
14. If it hadn’t been so hot, we (will lie, would lie, would
have lain) in the sun.
15. If the story (weren’t true, hadn’t been true), they wouldn’t
have published it.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de iarina1025
2.will call
3.had been
5.would tell
6.is not
10.wouldn't be
14.would have lain
15.hadn't been true

canon2001: da e corect
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