Engleza, întrebare adresată de Miruna13, 9 ani în urmă

Cine imi poate traduce din romana in engleza aceste propoziti:
1. Ce faci diseara? Nu sunt sigur, am de gand sa ma apuc de invatat pentru lucrarea la fizica.
2. In 2090 nu vor exista scoli, iar elevi vor invata acasa facand proiecte pe calculator.
3. Uita-te la acel baiat! Va cadea de pe bicicleta.
4. Ma tem ca el va intarzia la intalnire, deoarece el intarzie mereu la scoala.
5. Promit ca voi lua numai note bune.
6. Probabil te voi suna diseara asa ca asteapta-mi telefonul.
7. Jur ca iti voi pastra secretul si ca nu il dezvalui nimanui.
8. Imi place aceasta rochie. O iau!
9. Ma astept ca el se va uita la televizor in loc sa-si faca temele.
10. Ea planuieste sa invete trei limbi straine pentru ca anul viitor are de gand sa calatoreasca in strainatate.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
1. What are you doing tonight? I'm not sure, I thought I start to learn to work for physics.
2.2090 will not exist In schools, and students will learn by doing projects on home computers.
3. look at that guy! Will fall off the bicycle.
4. I'm afraid that it will delay the meeting because he's always late to school.
5. I promise that I will only get good grades.
6. Perhaps I'll call tonight so expect my phone.
7. I swear that I will keep secret and not disclose it to anyone.
 8. I love this dress. Pick it up! 
9. I expect that he will watch on television rather than to do their homework.
10. She plans to learn three foreign languages because next year is going to travel abroad.
  Sper ca team ajutat

Miruna13: Multumesc si te-am * :D
Utilizator anonim: cu placere
Utilizator anonim: marcheaza te rog daca poti ca cel mai bun
Utilizator anonim: te rog
Miruna13: ok. dar intai sa ma lase :))
Utilizator anonim: bine...eu voi astepta
Răspuns de sorinastepanov
1)What are you doing tonight?I'm not sure.I'm going to grab me learn to work in physics
2) In 2090 there will be no schools, and students will learn at home doing computer projects
3)Look at that guy! You fall off the bike.
4) I'm afraid that he will delay the meeting because he always late to school.
5)I promise to take good notes only.
6)Perhaps I'll call you tonight so expect my phone.
7) I swear that I will keep secret and not disclose it to anyone.
8) I love this dress. I take!
9) I expect he will watch TV instead do their homework.
10) She plans to learn three languages for next year is going to travel abroad.

sorinastepanov: SPER CA TEAM AJUTAT CU CEVA)))
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