Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreea122floare, 9 ani în urmă

Cine imi poate traduce în engleza

Albert Einstein a fost un fizician german, profesor universitar la Berlin si Princeton, a fost autorul teoriei relativitatii, si a primit Premiul Nobel in 1921, pentru Fizica.Albert Einstein s-a nascut in 1879, pe 14 martie, la Ulm in Germania, intr-o familie de evrei.Inca de mic, Albert a fost considerat un copil problema, deoarece nu a vorbit pana la varsta de trei ani, toate cunostintele acumulandu-le singur, fara ajutorul celorlalti.Dispretuit de copii de varsta lui, Albert a devenit un copil retras, chiar la scoala era ocolit si de profesori care sustineau ca este un copil ce nu vrea sa invete.Einstein, nu era de acord cu invatarea bazata pe memorarea mecanica, deoarece acest lucru ducea la eliminarea gandirii creatoare.La numai zece ani, Albert Einstein a inceput singur sa invete matematica si stiintele naturii, manifestand interes pentru acestea inca de mic copil.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lazylazylazy
Albert Einstein was a German physician , university teacher in Berlin and Princeton, he is the author of the relativity theory and he received the Nobel price in 1921 for physics. Albert Einstein was born in 1879 on 14th of March in Ulm, Germany, în a Jewish family. since his childhood he was considered to be a problem b because he didn't say a word until the age of 3, gaining all his knowledge by himself, without the help of others.
being despised by kids his age, Albert became an isolated child and even at school he was ignored by both the children and teachers, who were treating him as a child who didn't want to learn. Einstein didn't agree with the mechanical learning because he thought that it lead to losing the creative memory. at only 10 he started learning maths and science by his own, having showed interest for these even since he was a child.

andreea122floare: Mulțumesc mult!
lazylazylazy: cu mare drag
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