Engleza, întrebare adresată de gege16, 9 ani în urmă

Cine imi poate treaduce aceasta compunere in engleza ? :D 
In aceasta vacanta nu am facut foarte multe lucruri interesante. Mai toata ziua dormeam ma uitam la televizor si vorbeam la telefon .Am avut si zile cand toata ziua stateam cu prietenele mele afara ne plimbam, faceam poze, timpul trecea foarte repede.
Am avut noroc de inca o saptamana de vacanta din cauza vremii . Acea saptamana a fost una cam plictisitoare pentru ca nu puteam sa ies din casa deoarece am fost inzapezita. Am stat la matusa mea timp de 4 zile in acea saptamana in care am fost inzapeziti . Au fost 4 zile de distractie totala . 
A fost o vacanta frumoasa, nu foarte reusita cum am crezut din cauza conditiilor meteo. 

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mssy
During this holiday I didn't do interesting things. I spend most of my days sleeping or talking on the phone. Some of the days where spent outside with my friends walking or taking pictures, the time flew by us, 
I was lucky to have another week as a holiday due to the bad weather.  That was a somehow boring week because i coulnd't go outside due to the snow. I spent four days at my aunt's house because of the snow that week.Those were four days of total fun. 
All in all it was a nice holiday,  buy not a very succesfull one because of the weather.

mssy: " but not a very succesfull one because of the weather."
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