Engleza, întrebare adresată de xudifift8ftufut, 8 ani în urmă

cine îmi rezolva acest ex(5) primește coroană garantat de la mine​ (doar a 2-a varianta)


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bogdanpui2007p6ph15




From : [email protected]

To : [email protected]

Subject : Hey Kimmy..

Hey Kimmy!

I missed basketball practice today because my grandma is ill, she got a cold last night after we played in the snow together.

Can you believe coach didnt pick me for the final team because of it? It made me feel so sad that i cant play with u guys anymore. My mom told me i would make it in the next tryouts if i would train harder. I started doing it today after she came back from work and it really works!

Im sorry i let you guys down, but i promise i will be there cheering for all of you. Make sure to win it all and make coach proud of you guys.

See you tommorow at school, Kimmy

Signed : John

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