Engleza, întrebare adresată de tusaghi21, 10 ani în urmă

Cine ma ajuta sa traduc la eng o lectie plss... 1. We are a lot taller that our grandparent`s generation.
Each generation is an average 2.5cm taller than the previous generation.They say that by the year 2100people will be 15cm taller than they are now.
2. You will grow faster if your parents cuddle and kiss you
Children who do not get affection switch off their growth hormone.It seems when you are stressed,you produce chemicals which may interfere with the growth hormone.
3. If you smoke,you won`t reach your maximum potential height
There is no real evidence of this.However,if a pregnant woman smokes,her baby may be smaller at birth than the baby of a similar non-smoking woman.Also,at the age of seven,children of smokers are usually shorter than children of non-smokers

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AlinaAS
Noi suntem cu mult mai inalti decat generatia bunicilor nostri.
Fiecare generatie este in medie cu 2.5 cm mai inalti decat generatia anterioara. Ei spun ca pana in anul 2100 oamenii vor fi cu 15 cm mai inalti decat sunt ei acum.
2. Tu vei creste mai repede daca parintii tai te vor imbratisa si saruta.
Copiii care nu primesc afectiune li se opresc hormonii de crestere. Se pare ca atunci cand esti stresat, tu produci chimicale care vor interfera cu hormonii de crestere.
3. Daca fumezi, nu vei ajunge la inaltimea ta maxima potentiala.
Nu sunt evidente reale despre asta. Totusi, daca o femeie insarcinata fumeaza, copilul ei va fi mai mic la nastere decat copilul unei femei nefumatoare. De asemenea, la varsta de 7 ani, copiii fumatorilor sunt de obicei mai scunzi decat copiii nefumatorilor.

tusaghi21: as mai avea o lectie de tradus daca nu va deranjez...
tusaghi21: Six of a kind
The same but different:The world`s only all-girl sextuplets
Weatherhead High School is a large school near Liverpool in the north-west of England. There are 1,350 pupils at the school. Weatherhead is unusual for two reasons:first,because it is an all-girls` school,and second,because the Walton sisters are pupils there.
Graham and Jan Walton live in Wallasey,a town on the River Mersey,opposite Liverpool.They have got six children and they are
tusaghi21: are all girls.There`s nothing unusual about that, but the Walton sisters are unique.They are the only all-girl sextuplets in the world.
The sisters are the same age and have the same parents but in other ways they are different.Four of them have got blonde hair and two have got light brown hair.
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