Engleza, întrebare adresată de 1ANGEL1, 8 ani în urmă

Cine poate sa faca o opinie pentru fiecare text stressed parents, busy teenagers, A teenger talks, advice si despre titlul Teense under pressure.Fiecare opinie sa aiba 5 randuri. Dau coroana repede pls​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dariaromanenescu


busy teenagers

The teenagers are to busy, they cant play a lot because they need to do homeworks for school or cooking.

they do a lot of sports.

they help animal refuge.


however, you need to have a free time just for you.

to dont be stressed.

to do an activity.

enjoy your life! do something that you like


Parents have a lot of things to do.

It's so stressful for them, they need a free time too,

Just imagine, your mom goes to work, she returns home at 21:00

She's so tired.

1ANGEL1: ok ms mult
dariaromanenescu: am fct cu stressed
1ANGEL1: am incercat sa traduc cantecul dar nu-mi da
1ANGEL1: ms pentru ajutor o sa te rasplatesc cu coroana cand merge
1ANGEL1: pot sa te mai rog ceva?
dariaromanenescu: ce
1ANGEL1: daca sti o opine despre titlul Teens under pressure?
dariaromanenescu: nu stiu acum scz
dariaromanenescu: invat la engleza acm scz
1ANGEL1: ok nui nmk am reusit sa fac
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