Cine poate sa facă o tara inventata de tine cu 10 reguli va rog frumos dau 5 stele

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns: In the far lands loorandia the people are having grate traditions that last from more than 11 minutes they have 10 big traditions they are really serious about them.
First is loving school day, that's when students are chosen to be the teacher for the day, they can even cancel the hole hour and play all day long.
Second is ninja rooster day, that's when everybody is hiding roosters in places to scare other people.
The 3rd one is more religious, people have to try another religion for a week, it is called the 8th day after the creation.
The forth one one is called reverse Friday, that's when boys become girls and girls become boys.
The 5th, 6th and 7th ones are more related, they are about bonding
you have to choose a person you don't often talk with and become their
best friend and for 3 weeks you have to make activities with them, such as camping coloring each other and make a group project about your friendship.
The 8th tradition is more like Easter, people drees as a sheep and jump out of nowhere giving you a chocolate.
The 9th and 10th holidays are about giving, everybody gives someone a gift that themselves like and see their reaction.
The laws are very strict and if you don't respect them you are shipped off the island:
1) Every tradition has to be respected.
2)Nobody can be violent.
3)You need to have at least 3 friends.
4)Study a language every day.
5)Always explore new stuff.
6)Tell your teacher things that they never heard.
7)Always write letters to your parents.
Acesta ar cam fi raspunsul nu m-am mai putut gandi la alte 3 legi
dar sper sa te fi ajutat macar putin.
Seara placuta!