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Data viitoare daca vreti sa mergeti undeva diferit,de ce nu incercati Romania,o tara renumita pentru frumusetea sa naturală. Casacada Bigar este situata in Caras-Severin,Romania si este una dintre cele mai frumoase din aceasta tara, unica prin felul in care apa cade pe muschi si se imparte in fâșii. Cascada se afla exact la paralela 45. Cascada Bigar depaseste alte cascade la fel de unice si spectaculoase din S.U.A,Australia,Antartica sau Mexic.
Desi mai mica decat acestea ca lungime,Cascada Bigar a reusit sa urce pe primul loc atât pentru frumusețea sa, cat si pentru locația unde este amplasata, ce ii confera un plus. Cascada o gasim situata la 14 km de Anina si 20 km fata de Bozovici.
Izvorul Bigar cunoscut si sub denumirea de Izbucul Bigar este o arie protejata de interes national, situata in judetul Caras-Severin pe teritoriul administrativ al comunei Bozovici. Izbucul Bigar este un izvor puternic, alimentat de un curs de apa subteran ce strabate pestera cu același nume. Dupa circa 200 m, apa izvorului,foarte bogata in calcar se varsa in râul Minis.
Romania este o tara de vizitat si de petrecut vacantele.
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Next time if you want to go somewhere different, why don't you try Romania, a country well known for it's natural beauty. Bigar Waterfall is located in Caras-Severin, Romania and it's one of the most beautiful in this country, unique by the way the water falls on the moss and spreads in strips. The waterfall it's right at the 45th parallel. Bigar Waterfall exceeds other waterfalls as unique and spectacular from U.S.A., Australia, Antarctica or Mexico.
Although smaller than these as length, Bigar Waterfall managed to rise on the first place for both it's beauty and the place it's located which gives it a plus. We find the waterfall at 14 km from Anina and 20 km from Bozovici. Izvorul Bigar also known as Izbucul Bigar is an international protected area, located in the Caras-Severin county on the administrative territory of Bozovici. Izbucul Bigar is a powerful source, powered of an underground water source which crosses the cave with the same name. After approximately 200 m, the water, very rich in chalk, flows into the Minis river
Romania is a country of visiting and spending holidays
Although smaller than these as length, Bigar Waterfall managed to rise on the first place for both it's beauty and the place it's located which gives it a plus. We find the waterfall at 14 km from Anina and 20 km from Bozovici. Izvorul Bigar also known as Izbucul Bigar is an international protected area, located in the Caras-Severin county on the administrative territory of Bozovici. Izbucul Bigar is a powerful source, powered of an underground water source which crosses the cave with the same name. After approximately 200 m, the water, very rich in chalk, flows into the Minis river
Romania is a country of visiting and spending holidays
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