Cine poate sa ma ajute sa traduc un text din romana in engleza ??? Cineva care sa se priceapa bine trebuie sa iau o nota cat mai mare pentru a-mi ridica media ....
Textul :
Astazi m-am gandit sa va prezint hobby-ul meu . De mica o rugam pe mama sa-mi impleteasca parul deoarece era foarte lung si se incurca . Ma chinuiam in fiecare dimineata sa il descurc apoi trebuia sa o rog pe mama sa il impleteasca . Am continuat asa pana la 7 -8 ani cred ,deoarece intr-o seara mama nu a vrut sa-mi impleteasca parul asa ca m-am suparat si am incercat singura.
Nu a fost un rezultat fabulos dar era destul de bine pentru prima data . Am continuat sa-mi impletesc parul in fiecare zi iar acum pot spune ca ma pricep destul de bine .Unele colege ma roaga sa le fac codite sau alte coafuri .Am impletit pana si parul a doua doamne profesoare . in viitor as vrea sa-mi deschid un salon
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Today I've thought of presenting my hobby to you all. When I as just a kid I begged my mum to braid my hair as it was long it got tangled often. I would spend every morning untangling it and asking my mum to braid it once again. I believe I continued doing this until I was seven or eight, until, once evening my mother refused to braid my hair so I got upset and tried to braid it all by myself. It was a sight to behold but it was good enough for a first try. I continued to braid my hair ever since and now I can say I am pretty proficient at it. Even some of my schoolmates ask me for braided ponytails or other hairstyles. I even got to braid two of my teachers hair. In the future I wish to open my own salon.
Răspuns de
Today I've thought of presenting my hobby to you all. When I as just a kid I begged my mum to braid my hair as it was long it got tangled often. I would spend every morning untangling it and asking my mum to braid it once again. I believe I continued doing this until I was 7 - 8, until, once evening my mother refused to braid my hair so I got upset and tried to braid it all by myself. It was a sight to behold but it was good enough for a first try. I continued to braid my hair ever since and now I can say I am pretty proficient at it. Even some of my classmates ask me for braided ponytails or other hairstyles. I even got to braid two of my teachers hair. In the future I wish to open my own salon.
I hope I helped you!
I hope I helped you!
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