Cine poate sa ma ajute sa traduc un text din romana in engleza ??? Cineva care sa se priceapa bine trebuie sa iau o nota cat mai mare pentru a-mi ridica media ....
Textul :
Astazi m-am gandit sa va prezint hobby-ul meu . De mica o rugam pe mama sa-mi impleteasca parul deoarece era foarte lung si se incurca . Acest lucru m-a atras foarte mult ,iar dupa vizionarea a multor tutoriale de pe net am inceput sa fac diferite coafuri .Rezultatele au fost din ce in ce mai bune si acum ma pot considera o profesionista .In viitor as vrea sa-mi dechid un salon .
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Today I thought to present my hobby. Small begging his mother to me weave hair because it was so long and tangled. This attracted me very much, and after viewing the many tutorials on the net I started doing different hairstyles .Rezultatele were becoming better and now I can consider a pro .In the future I would like to me opens a salon .
The results were acolo
Răspuns de
Today, I was thinking to present my own hobby.Since I was little, I asked my mother to weave my hair because it was so long and tangled. This thing, attracted me very much , and after and after I viewed many tutorials on the intenet, I started to do many hairstyles . The results were becoming much better and now I consider I think that I am a professional. In the future, I would like to open my own salon.
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9 ani în urmă