Cine poate sa traduca asta si nu pe google translate ca nu traduce bine:
Sibiu este reședința
de județ și cel mai mare
municipiu al județului
România. Sibiul este un
important centru cultural și economic din
sudul Transilvaniei, cu o populație
de 147.245 locuitori conform recensământului
din 2011.
de iarnă Păltiniș
se află la 37 km distanță de centrul
Sibiu a reprezentat și reprezintă unul dintre
cele mai importante și înfloritoare orașe
din Transilvania, fiind unul dintre principalele centre ale coloniștilor
sași stabiliți
în zonă. Orașul
a fost capitală a Transilvaniei între anii
1692-1791 și 1849-1865. A cunoscut în
ultimii ani o renaștere economică și
culturală semnificativă. Sibiul este în
prezent unul dintre orașele cu cel mai mare nivel de investiții
străine din România. În
anul 2007 a fost Capitala Culturală Europeană,
împreună cu orașul Luxemburg.
Sibiu este situat în partea de sud a Transilvaniei, în Depresiunea Sibiului,
de Râul Cibin.
Sibiu este unul din cele mai importante orașe din
Transilvania cu un remarcabil potențial de
dezvoltare economică, avantajat și de poziționarea
sa pe Coridorul IV Paneuropean beneficiind de un modern Aeroport Internațional.
Sibiul și împrejurimile
sale sunt una din cele mai vizitate zone din România. Centrul istoric este unul dintre
cele mai bine păstrate
locații istorice din țară. Multe din zidurile și sistemele de fortificații sunt menținute într-o stare foarte bună.
Eu am
avut placerea de
a vizta celebrul
oras Sibiu. Astazi a
fost prima mea
zi aici.
Peisajul orasului ete mirific,iti da
sentimentul ca este
explozibil si minunat
, este unul din locurile care isi merita cu
adevarat turistii. Acesta este
foarte romantic invaluindu-ne in
splendoarea uriasilor munti
Fagarasi care ne conduc spre glaciarul Lac Bâlea.
De asemenea ar fi
o mare greseala sa nu
vizitati faimoasele atractii
culturale.Eu astazi am avut
ocazia sa admir
3 dintre acestea,iar la sfarsitul
zilei in inima mea sa
infiltrat propozitia ,pe care am auzit-o
de atatea ori dar niciodata nu am
fost cu adevarat sigura de
ea pana azi cand pot afirma
cu mandrie ca Sibiul
este cu adevarat
‘’Capitala Culturii’’ .Am
realizat asta datorita urmatoarelor
-Muzeul de Etnografie Universală „Franz Binder”
-Muzeul „Astra” din Sibiu
-Podul Minciunilor
Maine voi
avea ocazia de
a descoperii alte
locuri fascinante parcurgand
istoria si imbratisand frumoasa
cultura romaneasca.
Cateva dintre
locurile pe care
le voi vizita
maine sunt:
-Turnul Sfatului
-Parcul Subarin
Si multe altele la fel de minunate!
Va sfatuiesc sa-mi fiti
alaturi in magnifica calatorie!''
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Sibiu county is home to the largest municipality of the county
Romania. Sibiu is an important cultural and economic center of southern Transylvania, with a population of 147,245 inhabitants according to the 2011 census.
Winter resort Paltinis intellectuals is located at 37 km from the city.
Sibiu county has also been one of the most important and flourishing cities in Transylvania, as it is one of the main centers of circadian Sasi established
in the area. The city was the capital of Transylvania between the years 1692-1791 and 1849-1875. A known in the last few years a revival significant economic and cultural. Sibiu is currently one of cities with the highest levels of foreign investments in Romania. In the year 2007 was the capital of European Cultural, together with
city Luxembourg.
Sibiu county is located in the southern part of Transylvania, in the vacuum exaggeration, was crossed by evil struggles.
Sibiu county is one of the most important cities in Transylvania with
a remarkable potential for economic development, stammer and positioned to Pan-European Corridor IV with a modern International Airport.
Sibiu city and its surroundings are one of the most visited areas of Romania. History is one of the best preserved historical sites in the country. Many of the walls and fortify are relatively systems are kept in a very good condition.
I have had the pleasure of famous vizta Sibiu city. Today was my first day here.
The landscape city ete heaven,gives you a feeling that is explosive and wonderful, is one of the places that really deserves its tourists. It is very romantic envelops us in giant glory mountains
Fagarasi who rule us toward Lake glaciarul mark.
It would also be a big mistake to not visit famous cultural attractions.I today I have had the opportunity to admire his 3 of them, and at the end of the day in my heart to infiltrated your sentence ,I've heard so many times but I've never been really sure of it until today when I can say with pride that it is cheaper with true
"capital Culture" .I realized that due to following attractions: -
Universal Museum of ethnography "Franz binder"
-The Museum "Astra" in Sibiu
-The Bridge lies
tomorrow, I will have the opportunity to discover other places through fascinating history and embracing beautiful Romanian culture.
A few of the places which I will visit tomorrow are:
-Tower this tip
-Park Subarin
and more as great!
I advise you to join the magnificent journey!"
Romania. Sibiu is an important cultural and economic center of southern Transylvania, with a population of 147,245 inhabitants according to the 2011 census.
Winter resort Paltinis intellectuals is located at 37 km from the city.
Sibiu county has also been one of the most important and flourishing cities in Transylvania, as it is one of the main centers of circadian Sasi established
in the area. The city was the capital of Transylvania between the years 1692-1791 and 1849-1875. A known in the last few years a revival significant economic and cultural. Sibiu is currently one of cities with the highest levels of foreign investments in Romania. In the year 2007 was the capital of European Cultural, together with
city Luxembourg.
Sibiu county is located in the southern part of Transylvania, in the vacuum exaggeration, was crossed by evil struggles.
Sibiu county is one of the most important cities in Transylvania with
a remarkable potential for economic development, stammer and positioned to Pan-European Corridor IV with a modern International Airport.
Sibiu city and its surroundings are one of the most visited areas of Romania. History is one of the best preserved historical sites in the country. Many of the walls and fortify are relatively systems are kept in a very good condition.
I have had the pleasure of famous vizta Sibiu city. Today was my first day here.
The landscape city ete heaven,gives you a feeling that is explosive and wonderful, is one of the places that really deserves its tourists. It is very romantic envelops us in giant glory mountains
Fagarasi who rule us toward Lake glaciarul mark.
It would also be a big mistake to not visit famous cultural attractions.I today I have had the opportunity to admire his 3 of them, and at the end of the day in my heart to infiltrated your sentence ,I've heard so many times but I've never been really sure of it until today when I can say with pride that it is cheaper with true
"capital Culture" .I realized that due to following attractions: -
Universal Museum of ethnography "Franz binder"
-The Museum "Astra" in Sibiu
-The Bridge lies
tomorrow, I will have the opportunity to discover other places through fascinating history and embracing beautiful Romanian culture.
A few of the places which I will visit tomorrow are:
-Tower this tip
-Park Subarin
and more as great!
I advise you to join the magnificent journey!"
multumesc! :)
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